Unlock a Balanced, Vibrant Life


Transform pain, anxiety, sleep, and lifestyle habits including weight, smoking, vaping, and drinking through the subtle and powerful strength of your mind.

Embark on a journey to discover profound, lasting wellness where your inner resilience becomes your reality.


Achieve The Outstanding Results You Deserve

Pain Management: Embrace a Life Beyond Discomfort

Significant Pain Reduction: Achieve noticeable relief from chronic pain, improving your quality of life and comfort.

Increased Physical Activity: Rediscover the joy of movement with improved pain management, leading to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Mind-Body Harmony: Foster a deeper connection between mind and body, utilizing the power of your subconscious to control and alleviate pain.

Anxiety & Worry Mastery: Find Your Path to Peace

Effective Stress Management: Master powerful techniques to manage stress and anxiety, transforming how you respond to life's challenges.

Increased Calm and Clarity: Cultivate a state of calmness and mental clarity, enabling you to make decisions from a place of strength and peace.

Enhanced Emotional Resilience: Build resilience against future stressors, empowering you to navigate life with confidence and ease.

Unlock the Secrets to Restorative Sleep

Deep, Uninterrupted Sleep: Experience the profound tranquility of deep, uninterrupted sleep night after night, awakening fully refreshed and rejuvenated.

Improved Daily Functioning: Enhance your cognitive function, mood, and overall energy levels with a consistent, restful sleep pattern.

Natural Sleep Patterns: Rediscover your body's natural sleep rhythms without reliance on sleeping pills, leading to long-term, sustainable sleep health.

Stress Mastery: Your Pathway to Peace Program

Significant Stress Relief: Master daily stresses with tools that restore peace and well-being, transforming how you experience life's pressures.

Enhanced Emotional Balance: Cultivate resilience and calm, turning life's challenges into opportunities for growth and tranquility.

Mindful Living Practices: Embrace mindfulness to connect deeply with the present, reducing stress and enhancing life's joy.

Lifestyle Transformations

Transform your life with our specialized hypnotherapy programs, designed to help you overcome habits and foster positive relationships with health and well-being.

Weight Loss Journey
  • Achieve sustainable weight loss.
  • Build a positive relationship with food.
  • Harmonize mind and body for health and joy.
Vape-Free Health
  • Reclaim lung health and break dependency.
  • Start your journey to a vapor-free existence.
  • Improve overall wellness.
Smoke-Free Life
  • Break free from nicotine's hold on your life.
  • Enhance vitality and well-being.
  • Discover the freedom of being smoke-free.
Mindful Drinking
  • Regain control with moderation or abstinence.
  • Improve health and enhance the quality of your life.
  • Foster clarity and balance.


How We Can Help

Pain Relief

Experience relief from pain and chronic discomfort. Our comprehensive and evidence-based approach, provides comfort and well-being for issues like migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, and more.

Ease Anxiety

Transform your anxiety into serenity. Our anxiety and worry service empowers you to break free from the grips of stress, worry, and fear. Discover inner peace and regain control and joy in your life.

Sleep Better

Discover restful nights and revitalized days with our comprehensive and proven approach, with tailored solutions for your sleep struggles. Experience the calm, happiness, and rejuvenation you deserve.

Stress Less

Uncover and tackle the sources of your stress, guiding you towards a serene and balanced existence. Discover lasting peace and resilience to navigate life's challenges with ease and confidence.

Lose Weight

Attain your ideal weight with our evidence-based hypnotherapy, designed to foster sustainable habits and a holistic approach to lasting weight loss. Break free from the cycle of weight gain and embrace lasting well-being.

Quit Smoking

Our hypnotherapy program offers a path to a smoke-free life, effectively freeing you from cravings and the habit of smoking. Embrace lasting freedom and breathe freely again.

Stop Vaping

Our hypnotherapy approach targets the vaping habit at its core, helping you quit for good. Break free from dependency and enjoy a healthier, vape-free lifestyle with our expert support.

Moderate Drinking

Our tailored hypnotherapy program empowers you to control or choose to even stop drinking. Discover freedom from alcohol's hold, fostering healthier habits for a balanced and fulfilling life.


See What Others Have To Say

"I'm sleeping better than I have in decades. I wish I had done this sooner."

After years of battling insomnia and trying everything under the sun, I finally found the solution I had been searching for with Denise. Because she came from the corporate world too, she really understood my executive role and the toll my sleepless nights were taking on my energy, focus, and performance. With her customized approach and compassionate guidance, I now enjoy restful nights and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day. It's truly been a life-changing experience!

~ SC

"I finally did it!"

After struggling with my weight for what felt like a lifetime and trying countless diets and programs with no lasting results, I finally discovered the breakthrough I needed with Denise's weight loss hypnosis program. The combination of the virtual hypnosis band and the jab technique she introduced was a game-changer for me. Not only did I lose 50 pounds over four months, but I've also successfully kept it off for over a year now. Denise's understanding of the challenges faced by professionals like me, coupled with her expert guidance and personalized approach, made all the difference. Losing this weight has not only improved my health but has also given me a new lease on life. I'm more confident, energetic, and happier than I've been in years. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm so grateful to Denise for helping me achieve and maintain my weight loss goals.

~ Alex P.

"I didn't think I could be hypnotized. Boy was I wrong."

Joining the 4-week group anxiety program was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The sense of community and understanding I felt was unparalleled. Lorie's expertise not only provided me with effective strategies to manage my anxiety but also taught me the power of shared experiences in healing. Each session left me feeling more empowered and less alone in my journey. I've seen a remarkable improvement in my ability to handle stress and navigate anxious thoughts. This program truly opened my eyes to a new way of living, free from the overwhelming grip of anxiety.

~Sammy T.

"Two sessions, two victories, and I haven't looked back since."

Cycling through countless attempts to quit smoking and vaping, I skeptically approached Denise's programs, not expecting much from my past failures. To my great surprise, after just one session for each habit, I found myself free from the urge to smoke or vape. These weren't just temporary wins; they've become permanent changes in my life. Denise's approach, somehow, reached parts of me I didn't know needed addressing, providing not just freedom from habits but a whole new outlook on life. Two sessions led to a transformation I hardly dared hope for. I'm grateful every day for this new way of living.

~ Debbie L

"Don't wait, just try it. It really works!"

For years, I suffered from debilitating migraines and relentless allergies, trying every remedy and specialist I could find. It wasn't until I reluctantly turned to hypnotherapy as my last resort that I found the relief I'd been searching for. After just six sessions in the pain relief management program, my migraines and allergies have resolved significantly. Looking back, I wish I hadn't waited so long to give hypnotherapy a chance. It's been a revelation, transforming my life in ways I never imagined possible. I'm deeply grateful for the program and only wish I had discovered it sooner. My journey has taught me the incredible power of hypnotherapy, and I can't recommend it enough to anyone still searching for answers to their pain.

~ Tommy

"Life-changing doesn't even begin to cover it."

"Struggling with insomnia since a traumatic car accident, the Sweet Slumbers 7-week program with Denise was a revelation for both me and my friend. Together, we found the path to overcoming our chronic sleep issues, supported by Denise’s compassionate expertise. Encouraged by this success, I’ve started individual sessions for my accident-related pain and am already experiencing significant relief. Denise’s programs have not just improved my sleep but are transforming my overall well-being. A truly life-changing experience I’d recommend to anyone."

~Carla M.


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Unlock Your Path to Healing & Happiness

Ready to Conquer Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia, and Stress?

Dive into a transformative journey with DTHypno, where cutting-edge clinical hypnotherapy, CBT-I, and resource therapy merge to redefine your well-being. Say goodbye to the old you and hello to boundless potential.

Question? Ask us at hello@DTHypno.com

Denise Trudeau Hypnotherapy